Native Advertising: Definition and Examples to Implement

A persons is holding a mobile phone working on advertising

Hey there, welcome to our article on native advertising! In this piece, we will explore what native advertising is, why it’s important, and six examples of how you can implement it in your marketing strategy.

In the digital era, traditional advertising is no longer enough to capture the attention of the audience. Brands need to find new and creative ways to connect with their customers. One of the most effective strategies to do so is through native advertising.

What is Native Advertising?

First things first, what exactly is native advertising? It  is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. In other words, native ads blend in with the content around them, making them feel less like advertisements and more like a natural part of the user’s experience.

An example of native advertising can be found on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. You might see a post that looks like a regular photo or video, but it’s actually an ad for a product or service. And, in order to ensure transparency, the post is labeled as sponsored content. 

Why Does Native Advertising Matter?

Now that we know what native advertising is, let’s explore why it matters. Here are two reasons why you should consider using native advertising in your marketing strategy:

It upgrades the experience

Native advertising can enhance the user’s experience on the platform. By blending in with the surrounding content, native ads feel less intrusive and more natural. This can lead to a more positive user experience and increase the likelihood of engagement with your ad.

It increases brand awareness and brand recognition

Native advertising can also increase brand awareness and recognition. As it blends with the surrounding content, your ad is more likely to be seen and engaged with by users. Furthermore, creating an ad that is both memorable and resonates with the user can result in heightened brand recognition and potential conversions in the future.

6 Native Advertising Examples

Now that we’ve covered the basics of native advertising, let’s dive into six examples of how you can implement it in your marketing strategy.

Spotify Playlists

A person is holding a mobile phone showing he is listening music on Spotify

Spotify is a popular music streaming platform that offers free and paid versions. One of the ways Spotify monetizes its free version is through native advertising. For example, brands can sponsor a Spotify playlist, which includes a branded header and a few ad spots within the playlist.

Instagram Story Filters

Instagram is a social media platform that offers various advertising options, including native advertising. One of the most popular ways to use native advertising on Instagram is through Story filters. Brands can create a branded filter for users to apply to their Instagram Stories, increasing brand awareness and engagement.

Twitter Hashtags

A person is holding a mobile phone acting as she is using Twitter

Twitter hashtags are another popular form of native advertising. Hashtags are a way of categorizing content on Twitter, making it easier for users to find and engage with relevant posts . When a brand creates a hashtag that is related to their product or service, they can use it to promote themselves  and reach a wider audience.

One of the most effective ways to use Twitter hashtags for native advertising is to create a branded hashtag that is unique to your brand. This allows you to create a conversation around your brand and encourages user-generated content that promotes your product or service.

Social In-Feed Ads

Social in-feed ads are native ads that appear within a user’s social media feed. These ads look and feel like regular social media posts, but they’re sponsored by a brand. Social in-feed ads can be found on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

TikTok Trends

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos. One way to use native advertising on TikTok is through sponsored trends. Brands can create a branded hashtag and promote it to users, increasing brand awareness and engagement.

Sponsored Article Posts

Sponsored article posts are one of the most common forms of native advertising. In this type of advertising, the brand partners with a publisher to create an article that is meant to blend in with the publisher’s editorial content. These articles are designed to provide useful and interesting information to the reader, while subtly promoting the brand’s products or services.

Sponsored articles are a great way for brands to build brand awareness and credibility, as they are able to tap into the publisher’s existing audience and gain exposure to potential new customers. The key to successful sponsored articles is to ensure that the content is valuable and relevant to the reader, while still effectively promoting the brand.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating sponsored article posts. First and foremost, it’s important to find the right publisher to partner with. You’ll want to choose a publisher whose audience aligns with your target demographic and whose content is relevant to your brand.

Maintain Transparency: It’s important to be transparent with your audience that the content they are consuming is sponsored. Be clear about the fact that the article is paid for by your brand, and ensure that the article is clearly labeled as “sponsored” or “promoted” content. This helps to build trust with your audience and ensures that your brand is perceived as honest and trustworthy.

Focus on Value: To make the most out of your sponsored article, it’s essential to provide value to your target audience. The article should be informative, engaging, and offer insights or advice that is relevant and useful to the reader. By providing value, you can increase the chances that the reader will engage with the content, share it with their network, and develop a positive impression of your brand.


In conclusion, native advertising is a highly effective form of advertising that can help you increase brand awareness and recognition while providing a seamless and engaging experience for consumers. 

By implementing native advertising strategies such as sponsored article posts, social in-feed ads, and branded hashtags on platforms like Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, you can reach new audiences and promote your products or services in a more authentic and organic way.

As native advertising continues to evolve and grow, it’s important for you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in order to achieve optimal results. Keeping the focus on providing valuable content that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience, can leverage the power of native advertising to build brand awareness, drive engagement, and ultimately, increase your bottom line.

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